Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rainy days

There are two monsoon seasons in Singapore (according to Wikipedia), from December to March, and then from June to September. I guess we're still in the tail end of the first one, because it's been raining every day for the past week or so. It's really regular, too; it's sunny till about 5, and then it rains for about two hours before it stops again. I don't mind the rain, it cools things off, but it always starts when Mike is trying to leave work and it delays him a bit.

Today I woke up early and went to the Ministry (of Magic) to collect our employment passes. They look pretty much like a driver's license, bad pictures and all. From there, I walked over to the bank so they could make copies. Our account is all set up now! It's kind of nice, I feel like we're making progress towards actually settling down. I just wish we could get our apartment already; living out of a suitcase doesn't really make me feel at home. Comfort food to the rescue! Once I got all that stuff taken care of, I picked up a Coke Lite and some Cool Ranch Doritos and then made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I sprawled out on our bed and felt very pleased with myself.

So Asia has a different region code for DVD players, which sucks. For some reason the only discs we've able to play are Seinfeld. We wandered around Sim Lim last night, which is the giant seven story electronic mall, but we couldn't find any DVD players under $65. I am SO not paying that much when our old one was like $35. So instead, I did some snooping online and figured out the code that unlocks the DVD player at the hotel room. AHA! Success! I am even more pleased with myself now, and feel kind of like a bad ass. That's right...I'm technologically savvy. I called Mike at work and he was very impressed with my abilities. I believe his exact words were "I am so turned on right now."

As you can probably tell from reading this, I have done nothing exciting today. But it's raining, so I feel pretty justified snacking and watching Arrested Development. I saw a Toblerone at the store down the street and I've been thinking about it for a couple hours. It might be time to venture out. Anyway, sorry about the lameness of this post, but hey...they can't all be winners.


  1. Oh Emma - I love your posts - nothing lame about them at all - hope you got your tolberone! xoxo A. Jackie

  2. Please come back and set up my DVD player, even if it has to be coded for Singapore...we can work around it... HA I love you guys. Keep the posts coming, lame or not. I love them!
